Monday, March 9, 2015

Live Video, Inc. News for March 9, 2015

Live Video, Inc. News March 9, 2015

Live Video, Inc. [LVI] is a full-service international multimedia entertainment company, providing solutions for business to business, and business to consumer target markets. LVI's innovative team is focused on all facets of development, from inception to completion, thus ensuring optimal end-user delivery. Live Video, Inc. provides project and financial planning, funding, R&D, sales, marketing, distribution, and more. When looking to fund your television or film project, video game, website ,application development and implementation, viral branding, software testing, casting, translation, transcription or, you need consulting in domestic and foreign markets, LVI is your perfect strategic partner. LVI has worked with Fortune 500 entities, in every aspect of industry, broadcast, government, institutions and private sectors. LVI's domestic and international experts and affiliates are committed to your success, ensuring maximum ROI for your clients. Visit, email your inquiries to;, or call +1-310-925-2709 

A Dynamic Update for March 2015 for Live Video, Inc. News and all things 

Entertainment from Hollywood to Bollywood and beyond! Published 3/9/201511/3/2014

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Kerri Kasem With Host, Kurt Kelly on ActorsE Chat 

Radio and Television Host Kerri Kasem, joined Kurt Kelly on ActorsE Chat on Friday, March 6th, 2015.  Kerri co-hosted the radio show "Sixx Sense", with Nikki Six.  Sixx Sense focused on honest straight talk and highlighted Kasem's adventures while on the road with Poison, Motley Crue and other notable rock bands. Kerri left the show, during Casey Kasem's [her late father] declining health, to lobby for the passage of Visitation Bill AB2034 in California. Bill AB2034 provides for children and other family members to have the right to see their parents and other close relatives; with or without the approval of the spouse of their parent, or ailing relative. 
Kerri now heads the "Kasem Cares Foundation" [a not-for-profit foundation], which works to support the efforts of adult children to communicate and have access to their ailing parents, and relatives all over the United States. Watch the interview with Kerri to hear about her wonderful life growing up as the daughter of the iconic, Casey

Kasem and, learn more about her outreach work with the Kasem Cares Foundation.
Watch Now:
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@kurtkelly @livevideoinc @kerrikasem @englishgirl777 @actorsentertain @actorsreporter @kasemcares +KURT KELLY +Kurt Kelly +KURT KELLY +Kurt Kelly +Pepper Jay +Kurt Kelly Actor Voice Over Artist +Kerri Kasem #NikkiSix #Hollywood #KurtKelly #Success #Radio #KerriKasem @KerriKasem

Sunday Break Out from SONY PIX

SONY PIX brings you, "Sunday Breakout". Two movies back to back. Tune for "Ironman 2" Staring Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Rourke, Gwyneth Paltrow and "Rocky III", Staring, Director, Writer: Sylvester Stallone, and Talia Shire, Burt Young; the classic hero stories. "Ironman 2" is the story of Tony Stark a billionaire industrialist and genius inventor, who builds a high-tech suit of armor; who sets out on mission to defeat his enemies, and fights for justice.  Then on Sunday Breakout,  Rocky III is put to the test to defend his title against his nemesis Apollo Creed. Continuing with more super-hero action.

Watch Now:

See More Videos recorded in the LVI Studios:

@SONYPIX @kurtkelly @livevideoinc #SONY #RockyIII #Ironman2  +kurtkelly +livevideoinc +Ironman2 #SylvesterStallone @TheSlyStallone #TonyStark @Iron_Man #RobertDowneyJr  +RobertDowneyJr @RobertDowneyJr

Richard Epcar and Host Kurt Kelly in ActorsE Chat
Richard Epcar, notably one of the most versatile voice actors in the business, was interviewed by host Kurt  
Kelly on ActorsE Chat. Richard has voiced over 400 characters in multimedia formats and has produced and directed many games, animations and anime pieces.  

Watch Now:

@kurtkelly @livevideoinc @actorsentertain +kurtkelly +livevideoinc #richardepcar @actorsreporter +richardepcar @RichardEpcar 

Awesome Saturday From SONY PIX

Saturdays are NOW super awesome and action packed with, "SONY PIX."  Tune in for Kung Fu Hustle [Staring Stephen Chow, Wah Yuen, Qiu Yuen], Iron Man [Staring Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Terrence Howard]and 2012 [Staring  John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor].  You will be on the edge of your seat the entire day. No better way to spend the weekend than being plugged into the best in entertainment!

Watch Now:

See More Videos From LVI:

@livevideoinc @kurtkelly @SONYPIX #Ironman #SONYPIX #KungFuHustle #2012 +KURT KELLY +Kurt Kelly +Live Video Inc Productions +KURT KELLY +LiveVideo IncNews +KungFuHustle #IronMan +IronMan #TonyStark @Iron_Man #RobertDowneyJr +RobertDowneyJr @RobertDowneyJr #2012movie +2012movie

Live Video, Inc. Saves You $50 on
Now Live Video, Inc saves you when you sign-up for membership on; use promo code LIVEVIDEOINC and save $50 on the Premium annual membership. Sign up at, and add promo code LIVEVIDEOINC during your registration to save.

#KurtKelly #Voices @voicesdotcom +KURT KELLY +Kurt Kelly +Kurt Kelly Voice Over +Kurt Kelly Actor Voice Over Artist +Live Video Inc +LiveVideo IncNews +Live Video Inc +Live Video, Inc. 

                                                            In case you missed it
Summary: Le Dome is in fact an institution in West Hollywood. It is owned by Eddy Kerkhofs a Belgian immigrant who has done much for the community as well as has become an icon in the West Hollywood community. He is in charge of over 50 employees and has been running the restaurant for many years. Kurt interviewed him on his ideas about the election as well as what it was like being a Hollywood icon.
Tags: Acting, Elton John, Inc., Kurt Kelly, Le Dome, Live Video, Producing, Restaurant, Rod Stewart, Tradition, West Hollywood Eddy Kerkhofs

Kurt Kelly with Greet Ramaekers on the Break Through in the Movie Industry        Watch Now 

Summary: Greet Maemakers is originally from Belgium, she moved to Hollywood so that she could be close to an Australian friend who was taking acting classes. Everyone comes to Hollywood with a dream as well knowing that they can make it if they are willing to work. Greet hosts a show that allows her to focus on making her dream a reality. Kurt interviews Greet about her place on television as well as her future dreams in Hollywood.
Tags: Acting, and Hosting., Belgium, Directing, Greet Raemaekers, Hollywood, Kurt Kelly, Producing

Get 10% off ipDTL with LVI

Now you can officially get 10% of your annual membership for full ipDTL voice, and/or HD Video and voice by siging up via referral link. ipDTL is the new cutting edge of broadcasting, allowing for a studio or location to achieve broadcast network quality to another studio or location in real time. First used in the live broadcast from Istanbul, Turkey, Live Video, Inc. [LVI] pioneered live international and domestic television broadcast utilizing ipDTL 1080P HD technology. Now it is possible to setup remotely and to broadcast from almost any location, taking away much of the overhead costs of expensive uplinks and allowing you to focus on the quality of the production. ipDTL is fastly replacing ISDN with studio to studio broadcast quality audio linking for real-time directed reads and recording sessions. 

ipDTL is very easy to use and offers great customer service. Now as an international authorized reseller of ipDTL, LVI can offer you an excellent rate. 
Save 10% on Annual Subscription for a limited time by using ipDTL referral link, or contact LVI for sales and support via +1-310-925-2709, or email, subject line: ipDTL Sales and Service 

@kurtkelly @livevideoinc @ipdtl +kurtkelly +Kurt Kelly Actor Voice Over Artist +Kurt Kelly, Actor - Voice Over Artist +Kurt Kelly +LiveVideo IncNews +KURT KELLY #ipdtl #isdnreplacement #livevideoinc #hollywood #futureofbroadcast +Live Video Inc +LiveVideo IncNews +Live Video Inc +Live Video, Inc. 

LVI Opportunities

At Live Video, Inc. we are always looking for A+ conscientious and ambitious members to join our worldwide team. Presently Live Video, Inc - A Kurt Kelly Company, are expanding our global footprint. LVI has many opportunities for the right team players. In today's virtual world, you are no longer limited by location. We are seeking to fill the following positions:

+LiveVideo IncNews +Live Video, Inc. #jobs #opportunity #entertainment @livevideoinc #sales #advertising #writers #editors #researchers #businessdevelopment #newbusiness #adsales #television #multimedia #business #businessdevelopment #sales #advertising #advertisingsales 
Insider Entertainment Tips: How To Get A Literary Agent
Do you want to know how to get a literary agent?

You might be interested to know exactly what literary agents are looking for in new clients in scripted TV, reality TV, and feature film (hint: each area is a little different…).
Chad Gervich author How To Manage Your Agent
TV producer Chad Gervich
Chad Gervich, veteran TV producer/writer and author of, How To Manage Your Agent: A Writer’s Guide To Hollywood Representation, interviewed dozens of agents and managers.
Chad asked them to rank the most important factors that led them to sign new clients (or not),and the results are revealed in this post.
For more Live Video, Inc. Insider Entertainment Tips, see:
For the latest Live Video, Inc. News, see: 
Republished with permission

Hashtags, Keywords, and Twitter Handles

Live Video Inc (company), Kurt Kelly, Stephanie Palmer, Chad Gervich, Insider Entertainment Tips,  Literary Agent, Chad Gervich, Michael Pelmont , N.S. Bienstock, Ra Kumar, WME, Richard Weitz, Jeff Holland, The Cartel, Brad Ingelsby, Relativity, The All-Nighter, Warner Brothers, The Signal to Indian Paintbrush, The Raid: Redemption, Screen Gems, Zach Carlisle, #StephaniePalmer, @goodinaroom, +StephaniePalmer, #ChadGervich, +ChadGervich, @ChadGervich, #MichaelPelmont, +MichaelPelmont,  @MichaelPelmont, #WMEEntertainment, @WME, +WMEEntertainment, @WMEAgency, #LiveVideoInc +LiveVideo IncNews +Live Video Inc +Kurt Kelly +KURT KELLY +Kurt Kelly, Actor - Voice Over Artist +Kurt Kelly Actor Voice Over Artist +Kurt Kelly Voice Over #LiveVideoIncLA #LiveVideoIncLosAngeles #LiveVideoIncDetroit #LiveVideoIncFarmingtonHills Live Video Inc (company), Kurt Kelly, Kerri Kasem, Casey Kasem, Visitation Bill AB2034, Sylvester Stallone, Robert Downey Jr., Mickey Rourke, Gwyneth Paltrow, Ironman 2, Rocky III, Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, Burt Young, Tony Stark, Terrence Howard, Stephen Chow, Wah Yuen, Qiu Yuen, John Cusack, Thandie Newton, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Sony PIX, Acting, Elton John, Inc., Kurt Kelly, Le Dome, Live Video, Producing, Restaurant, Rod Stewart, Tradition, West Hollywood +EddyKerkhofs Belgium, Directing, +GreetRaemaekers, Hollywood, Kurt Kelly, Producing #greetraemaekers @moekegreet #EddyKerkhof @EddyKerkhof

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Written By: Melissa English, Jamilah Birdsong, Cemile Suheyla Yaltir, Edward James

Edited by: The Live Video, Inc. Editing Staff
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The contents of this transmission are protected under U.S. Domestic and International Intellectual ℗©®™ SM laws and are the property of Live Video, Inc. f/s/o [for services of] Kurt Kelly and related companies, affiliates, agents and representatives - © 2015 Live Video, Inc. - A Kurt Kelly Company All Rights Expressed Reserved In All Formats

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