Friday, May 8, 2009

Call or write Senator Feinstein today!

Call or write Senator Feinstein today!

Our economy is in a free fall. Corporations and CEOs aren't treating workers fairly. Layoffs, cuts in health care benefits and wages and Wall Stree's greed are hurting the middle class while CEOs of failed companies get golden parachutes worth millions.

We need to level the playing feild so workers can join together to have a voice at work without being intimidated, coerced, harassed or even fired. That's why we need the Employee Free Choice Act. Tell Senator Feinstien that you support the Employee Free Choice Act.

Call Washington D.C. toll-free: 1.866.207.2060

San Francisco:
One Post St.,
Suite 2450
San Francisco

Los Angeles:
11111 Santa Monica Blvd.,
Suite 915
Los Angeles, Ca 90025

San Diego:
750 B St.,
Suite 1030
San Diego, Ca 92101

2500 Tulare St.,
Suite 4290
Fresno, a 93721

Click here to email Senator Feinstein about the Employee Free Choice Act.

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